Mayor O’Connor and County Executive Jessica Fitzwater signed an MOU Agreement for the West side Library and community center during a county and city press conference at Hillcrest Park, the site on which the library will be built.
“The county has been committed to making this project a top priority since County Executive Gardner and the County council moved the project forward in our CIP in the summer of 2022. In this year’s FY 24 budget, I ensured that design funding would stay in this year’s capital budget and that construction funding would be programmed for FY 26, allowing time for our community driven design process and for the county to apply for state construction funding. I am pleased that the County council approved this CIP leaving this project intact. We are standing here today as the result of the incredible public input and advocacy from members of our community, the neighborhoods that will be served with this new library, and our strong partnership with the City of Frederick. Early on in my administration I committed to keeping this essential project on track and to working collaboratively with the City to find the best solutions for our residents. We are always more successful in our service when working together. I am excited to announce that we are now standing on the future location of the West side library.” – County Executive Jessica Fitzwater
West End Library and Community Center Now (WELCCN) was formed when County Executive Jan Gardner proposed the library in 2019. The group is comprised of members from various local organizations who want to bring the library and accompanying community center come to fruition. The group has advocated for approval of the project, site location, design, and much more.
This library will anchor community development, especially for children in this diverse working-class neighborhood with a large immigrant community.
We look forward to hearing the City’s timeline and plan for construction of their already funded community center in Westside Regional Park, which we have always advocated must be co-located near the library to create a walkable neighborhood campus of community resources.
We are ready to dream big and help envision a space that meets the unique needs and aspirations of this diverse, working class community. This project, along with the City’s pending Community Center, represents a floor, not the ceiling, for what this community can achieve. This is a big step closer toward realizing a more inclusive and equitable County for all. – West End Library and Community Center Now (WELCCN)
So what can you do?
Join WELCCN on Monday, August 14th at Hillcrest Elementary School for the budget hearing and talk with elected officials about the library and community center and show your support!
The community is invited to participate in the public hearing to listen, and comment on the design of the new West Frederick library.
I am excited to announce that we are now standing on the future location of the West side library.” – County Executive Jessica Fitzwater

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