Who is Curvy Conscious Inspired? Alex Morella, the unapologetic, confident, fat babe, is a Frederick blogger who advocates for mental health, body positivity, and inclusivity in our world.
Check out our Q&A with the girl behind Curvy Conscious Inspired!
Q: tell us a little bit about you. Where did curvy conscious inspired come from? Why did you start it?
A: Hi there! So I’m a young professional living in Frederick. Just finished my Master’s in community mental health counseling and finishing up licensing now. I’m super outgoing, supportive, and have an entrepreneurial heart and mind.
I started Curvy Conscious Inspired because I wanted to share my own journey of self-love and acceptance. Since starting it about a year ago, I took some time off to re-evaluate (and finish school *laughs*) the meaning of my blog. Now, I want this space to be a platform.
A place to highlight continued body positivity, body confidence, female empowerment, and fashion.
Q: How long ago did you start the blog?
A: I started and purchased the domain to my blog in September 2016. I did take a four month long hiatus due to being in graduate school, working full-time, and interning. Sometimes you just have to prioritize things, even if you don’t want to. *laughs*
How has working in Frederick made your purpose easier or harder?
I think working and striving to market my blog and purpose has been both rewarding and challenging in the Frederick area. I travel a lot to D.C. for events but love that because Frederick is a small town; there’s so much to manifest and capitalize upon.
Q: And what do you hope to achieve?
eventually I️ hope to build my blog and purpose into my career. Since I’m a month away from becoming a licensed mental health therapist, I️ hope to use my message of body confidence, self-love, and empowerment to create support groups and potentially programs to integrate in our schools teaching children — especially middle school, high school, and even college level, about said topics.
Q: And lastly, do you feel your purpose has been served or do you feel hopeful it is being served?

Follow Alex on Curvy Conscious Inspired here.
Photo Credit: Jaida A. Photography